Finally made it to the end of the semester for tech. I am not going to lie when I first started with this class I was really nervous and not super excited to be in it because technology is not my strong suit. In saying that, I am happy that I took this class, we covered a TON of information, and I do feel more comfortable with a lot of it. I truly had an awesome prof who was passionate and always their to help when I needed it – that is always a HUGE bounce.

In our final class we talked about internet learning games and I thought that it was a coincidence because I did my project on a learning platform game. I mentioned in class but I was introduced to an internet game right from elementary school. It was a game called ‘All the Write Type’ to teach students how to type properly on a keyboard. I really dreaded playing this game when I was younger but now using my computer and typing all the time… I am so thankful I was taught this skill from an early age. I do think there is a time and place for internet learning games in the classroom… definitely not for everyday use but for a treat every once in a while. I think it is a good way to engage students to learn new material in a fun, different, and exciting way!