Sports and being active have always been a huge part of who I am as a person. Right from when I can remember I always grew up playing a team sport. As I got older, sports shifted from being my passion to essentially being who I was a person (so at least I thought). Middle and High school I would play any sport my school offered… I even started a couple different teams at my schools as-well. I am lucky because I come from a long line of athletes therefor the my love for sports and athletics have always been deep in blood and they came pretty naturally to me. If I am being honest a big reason of why I even went to university was to continue playing my sport at a high level. When I first got selected to play on the Uvic Vikes Women’s Field Hockey Team I cried because I was so happy but I came onto the team thinking that sport is what defined me as a person. Now currently playing in my 3rd year, my coaches have really installed this powerful teaching in me that one day ‘sport’ is going to end and it’s who you are as a person that people are really going to remember. My journey of an athlete has had many ups and down, many cheers and tears; but most importantly they have shaped the person I am today and have made me gain so many beautiful connects. So why is Physical Education important to me? because I hope to install the same teachings that my coaches have done for me… do what you love but always remember your inner spirit of who you are as a person is one of the most important teachings in life. Be you!