Finally made it to the end of the semester for tech. I am not going to lie when I first started with this class I was really nervous and not super excited to be in it because technology is not… Continue Reading →
In this weeks class we learnt about coding. I personally do not think that I will every use this in my classroom because I still do not understand how to do it but I also believe it is not necessary… Continue Reading →
In these weeks class we discussed the positive and negative factors of being on zoom for school. My prof was disappointed to see that there were more negative factors than positive ones but I was really not surprise. It is… Continue Reading →
In this weeks class we had another guest speaker. I thought she did a really great job in sharing her own personal story with the class so we could try and make connections that way. I also really appreciate her… Continue Reading →
This week in class we talked a massive amount about videos and ads. Many teachers now days play videos in their classes to demonstrate parts of their lesson or to put something fun on for students to watch. This happened… Continue Reading →
Today in class we had another guest speaker and I personally thought he was really awesome. I first of all loved how he opened up his own school and they have over 80 students who attend it and looking to… Continue Reading →
In this weeks lecture we had another guest presenter named Trevor Mackenzie and fun fact he was my grade 12 English teacher at Oak Bay High School. He started off his presentation by introducing who he was, his background, and… Continue Reading →
In this weeks lecture we had a guest speaker who presented about social media in the classroom. I really appreciated what he had to offer but I also did not agree with what he had to say a lot of… Continue Reading →
This week in class we talked a massive amount about editing. I personally only have one of the editing apps that were shown in class (Apple Photos) but I was thinking about it and I make iMovies all the time…. Continue Reading →
During our group discussion last class we talked a massive amount about copyrights. This is a very important topic for anyones knowledge but extremely teachers because they pass down information everyday to their students. As an educator it is so… Continue Reading →
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